

Here we list a little bit of everything Oscoda. You can search by year or scroll through to see all the happenings in Oscoda. 

Nativity Scene 2021

Free Christmas Dinner 2021

The 2021 Free Christmas Dinner was a success. TIER4 Technical Support, The Oscoda Eagles, and Top Tree Provisioning Center are amazed at the community coming together for dinner. This was a Christmas Dinner Event inviting members of the community that were unable to prepare a Christmas Dinner for themselves or their families this year. Regardless of the reason they celebrated the Christmas Season! This was a hot sit down dinner with Turkey and Sides along with some desserts. Donations were not required but all donations received were given to Eagles People Helping People community projects. 

Virtual Giving Tree 2021

The 2021 Virtual Giving Tree was once again a success. Sunrise Kava Cafe, Hope Shores Alliance, and TIER4 Technical Support are amazed at the community coming together to ensure a better Christmas for many families in our area. Christmas is a time for focusing and reflecting on how to do better for the community that we are all a part of. 

Hey Oscoda! Real BREAKING NEWS!

Santa just shared his personal hotline for children to call and leave a message with their holiday wishes and Christmas Cheer. This is Santa’s PERSONAL hotline so your kids and grandkids can make sure Santa gets their message!

Northern Lights Christmas Parade 2021

Rockfest 2021

Cabela's and Bass Pro Shop Presents: Masters Walleye Circuit Fishing Tournament 2021

Independence Day 2021

Oscoda Area Schools Class of 2021

9/11 Memorial Service 2020

Masters Walleye Circuit Fishing Tournament 2020

Oscoda Farmers Market 2020


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