Oscoda Eagles Aerie #4237 - Marketing

Oscoda Eagles Aerie #4237

Work 6685 N US-23 Oscoda MI 48750 Work Phone: (989) 739-9165 Website: https://sites.google.com/site/oscodaeagles/


Photo of Oscoda Eagles Aerie #4237
People Helping People
The Spirit of giving is what The
Fraternal Order of Eagles is all about.
Each Year Eagles donate millions to help make advancements in researching and curing heart diseases, kidney disease, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Our Mission:
The Fraternal Order of Eagles, An international, non-profit Organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice and equality to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope.

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