Don’t see an event on our Calendar? Click the link below to submit your event for consideration. Give as much information as you can. All non-profits are free to submit. Members of the Destination Oscoda for Success Program are also free to submit. Submit your event by clicking here. We process submissions between 9AM – 11AM Monday through Friday so submit your event in advance! No same day submissions and it is best to submit a minimum of one week in advance for best results.
Grammy nominated global music sensation Celtic Woman is thrilled to return in 2022 with a brand-new show Postcards from Ireland.
Cost is per person.
This week: Wrath- The Soul's Temper Tantrum A look into the 7 Deadly Sins and their corresponding 7 Cardinal Virtues
Name that Tune Name that Artist What Beatles Song Name the Town this song is about and more!
Lunch program providing a week’s worth of nutritionally balanced groceries to individuals and families experiencing a short-term crisis through a
Have you ever dreamed of being on stage? Well then this is the show for you!! "Let's Go On With
Price per person includes: Pancakes, Sausage, Juice & Coffee Visit with the Easter Bunny Easter Basket Drawing Games, Crafts &
Drive through food pantry in the parking lot!
Free pancakes and a drink with the easter bunny for ALL kids 12 and under! Alcona Brew Haus along with
Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the event organizers on this calendar do not reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of Destination Oscoda. Attendance and participation are deemed at your own risk and anyone attending or taking part in the event must use good judgement, obey all laws and take reasonable care to avoid any injury to their person or property.