9/11 20 Years Later: The Day That Changed The World
Robert J. Parks Library 6010 N Skeel Ave, Oscoda, MI, United StatesPoster Exhibition commemorating 9/11 courtesy of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum
Don’t see an event on our Calendar? Click the link below to submit your event for consideration. Give as much information as you can. All non-profits are free to submit. Members of the Destination Oscoda for Success Program are also free to submit. Submit your event by clicking here. We process submissions between 9AM – 11AM Monday through Friday so submit your event in advance! No same day submissions and it is best to submit a minimum of one week in advance for best results.
Poster Exhibition commemorating 9/11 courtesy of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum
Vendors offering heirloom veggies, organically grown greens, cheese, berries, honey products, prepared foods, pastries, eggs, potted herbs, soaps and skincare,
The American Business Women's Association's Northeast Sunrise Charter Chapter announces it's Scholarship Fundraising Event: Social Hour with a Cash Bar
Blue Ribbons presents "Pumpkins in the Park." This 2 day event is during peak leaf changing fall season and will
Lawn Chairs Welcomed! Ceremony will include: National Anthem and Posting of Colors (Sung by Danny Athouse) Unveiling of Displays Special
Made to Order Omelet's, Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Sausage links. Cheesy Hash Browns, Fried Potatoes with Sausage, Homemade Biscuits and Gravy,
We believe that informed citizens can be strong allies of water systems as they take action on pressing problems. During
The Oscoda Township Board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for hearing impaired and audio
The Lakewood Shores POA announces a "Trunk or Treat Heroes & Villains" Bring your car and your ghosts and goblins
Vendors offering heirloom veggies, organically grown greens, cheese, berries, honey products, prepared foods, pastries, eggs, potted herbs, soaps and skincare,
Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the event organizers on this calendar do not reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of Destination Oscoda. Attendance and participation are deemed at your own risk and anyone attending or taking part in the event must use good judgement, obey all laws and take reasonable care to avoid any injury to their person or property.