Non-Profit - Directory
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Oscoda American Legion Post 274
Oscoda American Legion Post 274Biography
Loud-Merkel-LaPlante Post 274 of the American Legion in Oscoda, Michigan
Oscoda Area United Way
Oscoda Area United WayBiography
Oscoda Eagles Aerie #4237
Oscoda Eagles Aerie #4237Biography
6685 N US-23 Oscoda MI 48750
Oscoda Lions Club
Oscoda Lions ClubBiography
The Oscoda Lions Club is comprised of individuals from all walks of life who have the common goal of SERVICE to the blind, the needy, and to the community. We welcome new members to our club who have the same vision.
Oscoda Rotary Club
Oscoda Rotary ClubBiography
Oscoda-AuSable Chamber of Commerce
Oscoda-AuSable Chamber of CommerceBiography
“We are a Nonprofit service organization comprised of business leaders dedicated to the development and support of a healthy economic climate and exceptional quality of life for our community.”
4440 N US Highway 23 Oscoda MI 48750
Oscoda-AuSable Historical Society
Oscoda-AuSable Historical SocietyBiography
Pine River Van Etten Lake Watershed Coalition
Pine River Van Etten Lake Watershed CoalitionBiography
The Pine River VanEtten Lake Watershed Coalition (PRVEL) was formed in 1999 to address water quality concerns within the 187,000 acre watershed, located within Alcona and Iosco counties in NE Michigan. Our mission is to monitor, improve, and protect the Pine River and its watershed through conservation projects and programs. We are an all volunteer group (501 (c)(3) status) and work in partnership with other agencies to accomplish our goals. Funding for our efforts comes primarily from individual donations or awarded grants.
PO Box 680 Oscoda MI 48750
Quota International of Iosco County
Quota International of Iosco CountyBiography
Quota International is a non-profit organization empowering women, children, the deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired in local communities around the world. Founded in 1919, Quota International is one of the oldest international service organizations for women. Today, more than 5,600 men, women, and youth in North America, South America, the Caribbean, South Pacific, Southeast Asia, and Europe are changing lives in 269 communities in 12 countries.
Quota’s motto, “We Share,” empowers members to develop friendships, encourage others, and promote international understanding. Quota is known especially for service empowering women and children and to people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired.
1156 Bay Drive Oscoda MI 48750
Shoreline Players, Inc
Shoreline Players, IncBiography
Shoreline Players is a volunteer-based, non-profit, community theater group whose mission is to serve and educate adults and youth in all aspects of theater arts, while striving to create a dynamic and nurturing environment for imagination and entertainment.
The theater is located behind and shares a parking lot with the Robert Parks Public Library. Our location is 6000 N. Skeel Avenue, Wurtsmith District, Oscoda, Michigan.
6000 N Skeel Ave Oscoda MI 48750