

Oscoda Township, is the Heart of the Sunrise Side of Michigan. We often times tell the story that we are the “Center of the Universe!” We have four seasons of adventure awaiting visitors and residents alike. This page is all about community.

Click the calendar above to jump to events that have been submitted to us. 

Our Story

Oscoda is an unincorporated community in the state of Michigan located on the northern side of the AuSable River where it enters Lake Huron. The Community of AuSable is on the other side of the river. 

The state of Michigan has designated Oscoda as the official home of Paul Bunyan due to the earliest documented publications in the Oscoda Press in 1906. 

Destination Oscoda was born out of an idea that we should “accentuate the positive” in our presentation of the community and the area. We hope you enjoy our website as well as the connected social media that contribute to Destination Oscoda.

Community Positivity

Instagram:  "Mornings like this are why I'm glad I live in Oscoda" -@Ambermakeupartistry

Explore Oscoda Through The Camera's Eyes

Take a look at the marvelous sites and spots of Oscoda

Not Quite a City, But Quite a Destination

Follow us on Instagram @oscodatownship

Tag us in your photos when you visit and we might feature you on our page!  #DestinationOscoda